Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1983, 338 pp, photographs. Tanner, Zera Luther. A detailed history of issues and politics involved in establishing the boundary between Southeast Alaska and British Columbia by a pioneer surveyor who was involved in charting Alaska beginning in 1867. Anchorage: Pebble Partnership, 2012, 50 pp., photographs, graphs, maps. History of the Hoonah cannery from its construction in 1912 to its planned conversion into a tourist destination. Includes many scientific reports but also histories of fisheries, discussion of fishing techniques, and more. Alaska Department of Fisheries Annual Report, Juneau: Territory of Alaska, 1949-51. Department of Fisheries of Canada. Sitka, AK: Arrowhead Press, 1997, 66 pp., photographs, maps. “The Federal Fisheries Service, 1871-1940: Its Origins, Organization, and Accomplishments.” Marine Fisheries Review, Vol. Dunn, J. Richard. Alaska and its History. June 22, 2011, “Klawock’s First Commercial Saltery.” Built in the 1870s. 83. XXXIX. Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World’s Deadliest Jobs. Barbecue recipes including halibut steaks, grilled king crab legs, and salmon burgers from the newly formed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Accounts of big-game hunting and fishing, with historical notes on the mining and fisheries of Alaska, based on a trip in 1906 from Japan to Seattle, via Kamchatka, the Gulf of Anadyr, Nome, Unalaska, the Kenai Peninsula, and the Inside Passage. 541-556. The Fishing Grounds of Bristol Bay, Alaska: A Preliminary Report upon the Investigations of the U.S. Doc. Warner, William W. Distant Water: The Fate of the North Atlantic Fisherman. The Trail Led North. Fishing Fleet Profiles: Management, Gear, Vessels, Fisheries, Enforcement. 104, No. Noting the trap logs and wire netting produced in Ketchikan, they concluded: “the welfare of this community is so inseparably connected with that of the canned salmon industry that any movement which has for its objective the imposition of confiscatory taxes, or the dictation of uneconomic methods, must eventually endanger the wellbeing of the community itself, and inflict hardship on every resident, including the very class whom it is designed to benefit.” Also recipes for salmon loaf, bisque, and soufflé. A home economist for the Bureau of Fisheries, Spencer became known as the nation’s “fish evangelist.” She and the head of the UW College of Fisheries offer general cooking advice and over 600 recipes for the preparation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals such as turtles, frogs, porpoise, and whale meat. APA issued many reprints in succeeding years under the title How to Eat Canned Salmon and featuring their various brands of canned salmon, which were marketed regionally. “What didn’t happen at Port Bazan.” Denial of a permit a defense contractor sought to test a noisy jet engine in a remote inlet on Dall Island. The Pacific Halibut: The Resource, and the Fishery. Gard, Richard and Richard Lee Bottorff. Fryer, Douglas M. Justice for Wards Cove. Barker, James H. Always Getting Ready, Upterrlainarluta: Yup’ik Eskimo Subsistence in Southwest Alaska. New York: MacMillan Company, 1937, xiii, 410 pp., photographs, addenda, bibliography, index. Concerning Fishing in Eastern North Pacific on the High Seas in the Direction of Bristol Bay. Detailed report on foreign fishing activities in the trawl, longline, halibut, crab, and whale fisheries in waters off Alaska in 1963, with recommendations. Continuation of the department’s territorial Annual Report, adopting the title of the last USFWS annual and covering three years. Naito, Hiromi. Jones, E. Lester. May 8, 2013, “Two of Baranof Island’s Herring Plants.” At Big Port Walter and New Port Walter. Buchholdt, Thelma. Kirkland, WA: Frank Orth & Associates, 1980, 380 pp., appendices, references. Juneau: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 2009, vii, 73 pp., photographs, appendices. Technical manual on how to rig the distinctive sail on a Bristol Bay (AKA Columbia River) sailboat, based on interviews with former fishermen. Johnson also wrote an abbreviated history: “Life on the Razor’s Edge: The Story of a Clam Cannery at Kukak Bay.” Alaska History, Vol. Alaska Fisheries and Fur-Seal Industries, 1939 to 1946, Ward T. Bower*** New York: Penguin Press, 2014, 320 pp. Historic maps and charts can often provide information about the location of canneries, fishing communities, and the fishing grounds. Proceedings of the Conference on Salmon Aquaculture and the Alaskan Fishing Community. Jay Hammond appointed a task force to investigate allegations of violence during the strike and the state’s role in salmon marketing. History of the Pribilof fur seal fishery. September 19, 2012, “The Salmon of Sarkar Cove.” On the west coast of Prince of Wales Island. 48. Salmon Wars: The Battle for the West Coast Salmon Fishery. With help from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alaska Marine Conservation Council, a review of programs and policies to address access challenges in Alaska fisheries and with recommendations. “Cannery Point: The Story of Hoonah Packing Company.” Juneau: Alaskan Southeastern Magazine (October 2001). Hillstrand, Andy, and Jonathan Hillstrand with Malcolm MacPherson. Alaska Seafood Industry "Fish Facts" In 2000, Alaskans held 73% of the 16,181 active commercial fishing entry permits in the state. King, Robert W. Sustaining Alaska’s Fisheries: Fifty Years of Statehood. The natural history, commercial uses, and preparation of salmon. Canned Salmon Industry. Salmon macaroni salad, salmon Romanoff, deep-dish salmon pie, and salmon vegetable paella. Found inside – Page 183The report includes only those fish kills which have come to the ... seasonal nature of the State's economy , and the role of the Alaskan fishing industry . Alaska Fisheries: A Guide to History Resources is a guide to the history of Alaska’s seafood industry and is intended primarily for those unfamiliar with Alaska historical sources. 3. The annual occasionally included special reports regarding subjects such as the 1919 fishery failure in Bristol Bay and controversy over Yukon River subsistence fisheries in 1921. Extending the nation’s Exclusive Economic Zone to 200 miles allowed domestic fishermen and processors to replace foreign fleets that harvested massive amounts of pollock and other groundfish. Hunt, William R. History of Marine Hatcheries of Alaska. MacMullen, Jerry. Gilbert and O’Malley recommended closing the cannery, and it later was. 36-53, photographs, notes. Gilbert, Charles H., and Henry O’Malley. Douglas, AK: First Street Press, 1990, 203 pp. Elliott, Charles P., Capt. I: North Slope (1982), Vol. Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World. 2 (2001). Roppel, Patricia. Edwards, Jack. “The Development of the Salmon Canning Industry.” A History of the Canning Industry by its Most Prominent Men. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission for 1898, Washington: GPO, 1899, pp. Boston, MA: Lee and Shepard, 1870, 670 pp., plates, maps, appendices. Roppel, Patricia. Aleutian Freighter: A History of Shipping in the Aleutian Islands. A compilation of fifty essays that originally appeared in the Anchorage Times and mostly cover less-well-known individuals and aspects of Alaska’s history. Alaska figures prominently in the chapter on salmon. Inseason Fisheries Management. Ottawa: Canadian Science Publishing, pp. Giving the Finger: Risking it All to Fish the World’s Deadliest Sea. Rogers, George W. The Future of Alaska: Economic Consequences of Statehood. There is a rich history in Alaska fisheries, but users are cautioned that this bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive and is, in fact, highly selective. In addition to the fishing fleets, there are a recorded 700 seafood buyers, exporters, and processors, too. The Pebble Environment: A Scientific Overview of Environmental and Social Data in Southwest Alaska. Most of America's salmon, crab, halibut, and herring come from Alaska. “No Booze in Ketchikan Hotel.” Fishermen smuggled liquor from Prince Rupert during prohibition, but hotel maids tried to keep it out. Gilbert, Charles Henry. Tillion, Diana. Catch Accounting. The San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Maritime Research Center is also a tremendous source of material. Baker, OR: Eddie Tern Press, 1991, 261 pp. Caldwell, Donna, and Francis Caldwell. 3, (1983), Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books, 1983, 128 pp. The fishing industry continues today and . A former editor of the Alaska Fishermen’s Journal, Matsen’s work was based on over 20 years on the Alaska fishing grounds. Ringsmuth, Katherine Johnson. 67, No. and includes contributions from Robin Samuelsen, Helena Bartman Andree, and Bob King. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015, 234 pp., maps, tables. Washington: GPO, 1915. Buried Dreams: The Rise and Fall of a Clam Cannery on the Katmai Coast. King Salmon, AK: Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 2005, 112 pp. Discussion of management issues and options for Alaska’s halibut and sablefish fisheries. Alaska Fisheries and Fur Industries in 1918 and 1919, Ward T. Bower Anchorage: Alaska Geographical Calvin, Jack. With a numerical nod to the 1867 purchase, a compilation of the best books on Alaska history nominated and selected by Alaska historians. 187-247; and Part 4: Southeastern Alaska, 1933, pp. Stock Image Northwest Coast: Essays and Images from the Columbia River to the Cook Inlet. While not published, ARLIS has an electronic copy submitted by the author. Dillingham fisherman John Nicholson (1906-2003) who fished 64 seasons in Bristol Bay, including during its sailboat days. Found inside – Page 55Available fromBureau of Labor Statistics , United States Department of Labor ... Ill . Summary of statistical data on the Alaskan fishing industry including ... 23-95, map, footnotes. Fairbanks: Alaska Sea grant Program, 1976, 45 pp., bibliography, appendices. Remembrances of Petersburg woman who trolled for salmon with her husband throughout Southeast Alaska. Biography of Nushagak trader John W. Clark and his involvement in the development of the canned salmon industry in Bristol Bay. T. his Pocket Guide answers the questions . While focused on Canadian canners, it is analogous to changes that occurred in Alaska. A massive collection: Vol. Extensive collection of historic photographs of Bristol Bay canneries and more, including an addendum of historic salmon labels. A second edition, published by Fish and Game in 2019 with help from Nautilus Impact Investing, follows a similar format but updates text, statistics, photographs, and policy issues. How to Serve, How to Buy Canned Salmon. Washington: GPO, 1964, ix, 50 pp., maps, tables, appendices. Overview of the Alaska salmon fishery when catches were down more than 60 percent from the peak. Graphs, maps, charts, notes, index, symposium DVD tussing, Arlon,! In exhaustive detail office in juneau has a good description and photographs focusing on Alaska.! Marchak, Patricia, and the Pebble Mine: key Considerations for a free subscription. 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